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I have programmed irrigation, how come the system does not start? There is a flashing LED on the screen of my control unit, what does it mean? How long does it take the Turbine to recharge the battery of my Pure Vision smart controller? You will find the answer to these and many other frequently asked questions in the section below.



Controllers programs identify an area or group of solenoid valves. Zones identify a specific solenoid valve.

Irrigation controller programming is based on irrigation cycles distributed over irrigation programs, which means that it is not necessary to set the start time for all zones. It is sufficient to set the start time of the irrigation cycle (program start time) and the irrigation times of the zones. The controller will then open and close the solenoid valves in sequence.

The days of the week were probably not enabled during programming. Check that the days of the week in the frequency menu are enabled (frame around the day). If they are not active simply press the "+" key to enable the flashing day and move between days of the week with the "enter" key.

Verificare che il sensore pioggia a due fili sia correttamente installato e sia un sensore pioggia normalmente chiuso (modello Acqua Click). Se il sensore pioggia non è presente, verificare che il ponte di metallo nel vano morsettiera in corrispondenza della scritta "SENS" sia presente. In caso di centralina I-DIAL OUTDOOR verificare che il collegamento alla rete elettrica 220V sia stato effettuato correttamente (questa operazione necessita di un elettricista abilitato) e che non sia stato installato un trasformatore esterno 220/24 VAC.

It's not possible to activate the rain sensor per zone with C-Dial. It's possible to activate the rain sensor per zone from the EXTRA functions with I-Dial.

It's not possible to activate the rain sensor per zone with C-Dial. It's possible to activate the rain sensor per zone from the EXTRA functions with I-Dial.

NoAC indicates that the circuit board is not receiving 24VAC. This situation can occur when the fuse is blown or the power supply is blown.

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