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Is Spring just around the corner? Here's how to set up your irrigation system

14 September 2023

Temperatures are rising, the weather is brightening up, and your garden and your plants are reawakening. Spring has sprung! For your automatic irrigation system this means that it is time to set it up again for the warm summer days ahead. The arrival of the new season involves some simple but important steps to prepare the irrigation system devices correctly and to make sure your garden will be watered efficiently.

What to do when reopening the irrigation system

The first step is to visually check the condition of all irrigation system components. Basically, make sure that the pipes, fittings and emitters (be they sprinklers or drippers) are still in good condition and do not show cracks or other signs of damage. This may seem like a trivial step, but it actually avoids unpleasant surprises which could occur later in the summer, precisely at the time when watering becomes crucial for the health of your your greenery.
Once you have checked that all components parts are in good condition, proceed by checking the condition of the irrigation control unit.
If the control unit is powered by 24 Vac, the condition of the buffer/backup batteries must be checked.
 If the control unit is powered by alkaline batteries, these will have to be replaced with new batteries to avoid problems when you are not at home and unable to fix issues. We therefore strongly advise not to tempt fate and always change the batteries at the start of the new season.
If the battery-powered controller is equipped with rechargeable lithium batteries, such as the Pure Vision or Amico AG R model, we recommend recharging the battery to the maximum at the start of the new irrigation season

Other aspects to be ascertained in view of the opening of the irrigation system are:

  • Check that the ground is not frozen.
  • Check the control unit and its programming operates correctly.
  • Check for the correct opening of the ball valve.
  • Check for the correct opening of manifold exhaust valves
  • Purge the irrigation system
  • Check the correct closing of drainage valves
  • Check the solenoid valves are working correctly and therefore water reaches all sectors or zones

When to do the checks?

The best time to carry out this operation is in spring because the frost period is over and, consequently, temperatures rise. It is always advisable to contact a qualified professional who knows how to identify and resolve possible anomalies in order to keep the system functioning and efficient and thus avoid possible problems when the time comes to start irrigating.

Is it necessary to carry out all these steps?

Do you care for your lawn and your plants? The opening of the irrigation system and the springtime preparation prior to the summer season is a process which allows possible problems to be identified so that they can be resolved before they cause problems for the lawn and our plants. It is a step underestimated by many, but we strongly recommend not to neglect these checks. Your garden will thank you!

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