Home / Home Vegetable Gardens

Watering the kitchen garden

Few things give as much satisfaction as being able to put vegetables that you have grown yourself on the table. To take care of your home vegetable garden in an even simpler and more immediate way, you can quickly and effortlessly install a micro-irrigation system: it will take care of watering your vegetables for you, even when you are not at home and always with the right volume of water.

What products do I need to irrigate my vegetable garden?


1 Tap timer

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2 Pressure reducer

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3 In-line filters

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4 Easy lock

privati balcone 4 arancione raccordo

4 Barbed

tubo 16 mm nero per irrigazione balcone

5 16 mm

tubo 4 mm nero per irrigazione balcone

6 4 mm

raccordo rapido clip-irrigazione

7 Quick connectors

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9 Flow regulation valves

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10 Self-compensating drippers

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10 Adjustable drippers

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11 Drip line

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tubo poroso

12 Porous pipe

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MyFarm garden irrigation kit: versatile and ready to use in minutes

MyFarm micro-irrigation kits are specially designed for DIY enthusiasts looking for a practical, easy and quick solution for automatic garden irrigation. In our kits, in fact, you will find everything you need to assemble your own small home system, making it easy to find and choose the products best suited to your needs. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you will have the perfect solution for watering plants and flowers in just a few minutes and without having to use additional tools… without wasting a single drop!

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